Pokémon TCG Asia EN Open 2023 Summer

The heat of battles rages on this summer!
Trainers, get ready to transcend borders once more and join the Pokémon TCG Asia EN Open 2023 Summer happening in Malaysia from JUL 22 - 23, 2023!
Get ready to battle against Trainers from 4 regions in the main content and emerge victorious! Fun side contents are planned too such as Challenging the Pokémon TCG Japan Champion, Pokémon TCG Under 17 Mini Tournament, Tutorial Sessions, and a Pokémon TCG Store!
For more information, please check out the region's Trainers Website below:
Singapore: https://asia.pokemon-card.com/sg/archives/4112/
Malaysia: https://asia.pokemon-card.com/my/archives/4112/
Philippines: https://asia.pokemon-card.com/ph/archives/4112/
Hong Kong English: https://asia.pokemon-card.com/hk-en/archives/4112/
Registration Event Page Link (Please register on the provided page according to your place of residence.):
Hong Kong (English)
Disclaimer: All contents and schedules are subject to change and cancellation.
Please check out our official Facebook Page and Trainer's Website for more updates.
Pokémon TCG Asia ENG:https://www.facebook.com/Pokemon.TCG.Official.Asia.ENG