Pokémon: The First Movie
The adventure explodes into action with the debut of Mewtwo, a bio-engineered Pokémon created from the DNA of Mew, one of the rarest Pokémon of all. After escaping from the lab where it was created, Mewtwo is determined to prove its own superiority. It lures a number of talented Trainers into a Pokémon battle like never before—and of course, Ash and his friends are happy to accept the challenge!
Ash’s excitement turns to fear and anger when Mewtwo reveals its plan for domination, creating powerful clones of our heroes’ Pokémon so it can even the “imbalance” between Pokémon and their Trainers. Despite Ash’s protests, Mewtwo refuses to believe that Pokémon and people can be friends. But faced with the determination and loyalty of a young Trainer, Mewtwo just might have to reconsider…especially when pitted against the power of the mysterious Mew!
Pikachu's Vacation
Pikachu and its buddies have decided to spend their summer vacation here in Pokémon Square, a place for Pokémon to get together and have fun. Along come four Pokémon, making a racket as they head into the Square—and the noise wakes up Togepi, who just got to sleep!
Pikachu and its friends try to get the four noisy Pokémon—Raichu, Cubone, Snubbull, and Marill—to calm down, but everything starts going downhill from there! Squirtle and Marill go head to head, while Pikachu and Raichu face off in a heated battle. Charizard finds itself mixed up in the melee, too, and ends up getting its head stuck in a pipe!
This musical fantasy is full of the friendship, camaraderie, and lovable characters that make Pikachu and its friends so special!