Pokémon the Series: The Beginning

It’s Ash Ketchum’s tenth birthday, and he’s ready to do what many 10-year-olds in the Kanto region set out to do—become a Pokémon Trainer! Things don’t go exactly the way he planned when he ends up with a Pikachu instead of a standard first Pokémon, and winning Gym Badges turns out to be much tougher than he thought. Luckily, he’s got former Gym Leaders Brock and Misty at his side, along with a bevy of new Pokémon friends, including Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.

Encounter with Pikachu
Pikachu is Ash’s best partner. However, their first encounter did not start on a good footing. Fortunately, a particular occasion allowed them to strengthen their bond.

A picture book with information on Pokémon which provides an explanation on the characteristics of discovered Pokémon.

Pokémon Catch
Wild Pokémon can be caught with a Poké Ball to be used in battles. Encounters with Shiny Pokémon occur under rare circumstances.

Pokémon Battle
A battle between one’s Pokémon and wild Pokémon or with other Trainers’ Pokémon. Wild Pokémon can be caught using a Poké Ball.

Pokémon Gym
A battle facility for Pokémon which exists in every region with a gym leader appointed in each gym. Those who win against the gym leader with their capabilities are awarded a gym badge.

Pokémon Evolution
Changes the form of the Pokémon and increases its power. Multiple evolution occur sometimes.

Bidding farewell with Pokémon
There comes a time where farewell with own’s Pokémon becomes inevitable. It is painful to bid farewell with the Pokémon which you embarked a journey with and fought several battles together.

Pokémon Egg
Pokémon’s egg which becomes emotionally attached to the first person it first sees once hatched. There is also a “Pokémon Day Care” whose role is to look after and nurture the eggs.

Partner Pokémon in Kanto Region

Pikachu / Bulbasaur / Charizard / Muk / Pidgeotto / Squirtle

Goldeen / Horsea / Psyduck / Starmie / Staryu / Togepi

Geodude / Onix / Vulpix / Zubat
Partner Pokémon in Orange Islands

Pikachu / Bulbasaur / Charizard / Lapras / Snorlax / Squirtle

Goldeen / Poliwag / Psyduck / Staryu / Togepi
Partner Pokémon in Johto Region

Pikachu / Bayleef / Cyndaquil / Phanpy / Totodile

Corsola / Goldeen / Politoed / Psyduck / Staryu / Togepi

Crobat / Forretress / Geodude / Onix